
Thing #14

I have had lots of fun looking around on both youtube and teachertube. I'm actually glad we can't view youtube at work without really working at it because I have actually spent hours on it at home. On teachertube I found Mr. Duey's fraction video most entertaining as far as sharing with kids and math facts. http://www.mrduey.com Lots of teachers seem to be using this format to teach concepts. I love it!! Mr. Duey visits schools to rap about all subjects, from parts of a cell to how to treat each other as people.

I usually go for the weird or funny videos on youtube, I am also interested in what people can do with Photoshop or lapsed time videos. But, I found some beer pong trick shot videos that did amuse me (if you mute the screamo music and cursing). There is a genuine physics concept related to this. In most of the videos I chose to view they were using glasses of water and a ping pong ball, but doing accurate and sometimes amazing tricks. One person floated a cup of water in a full fish tank and made the ping pong ball into the cup from at least 10 feet away. There has to be a lot of hypothesizing (practicing), measuring, and trajectory, not to mention "experimenting" to perfect their shots.

Instruction could be supported with this just as much as the proverbial dropping of the egg off the rooftop to see whose design keeps the egg from breaking; which according to students I've talked to is getting pretty outdated. But, both involve engineering in some form. I found rules of play on wikipedia that vary by region or college campus. In fact, after googling physics and beer pong, I came back to edit this post because I found this site---http://www.alongyotte.com/platinum_equation.html that appears to be a physics paper written by a college student for his physics class. I know, I'm easily amused.

My Art Wordle

Wordle: artwords


Thing #12

I found bitstrips http://www.bitstrips.com/ when we first started the course through just playing around. It could be pretty amusing to see what kids could come up with as far as putting a comic strip together or using it as a storyboard for a book report. I think you could even use it to explain processes like the water cycle or life of a plant, etc... For language arts it would be fun to have them create a story telling about themselves and creating avatars of themselves and friends or family. Maybe a good beginning of the year project for getting to know each other.

Wordle http://www.wordle.net is a great site, it makes you want to be creative. It is a great way to present poetry, tell about yourself, etc. the guy who designed it worked for a big corporation so he's reallyy cautious about how or where it's used. I guess because he was still working for that company when he created it, so technically it belongs to them. There are easy instructions for how to embed your wordle. I have ended up losing mine and not being able to find it in the gallery. I did put a cartoon from bitstrips on my wiki that relates to a personal joke between me and my sister so if no one gets it-that's why.


Thing 5B Who Knew...Little Hitler's A Painter

On the CNN Wire it was reported that Hitler was not only a painter, but possibly not too bad of one. The owner of some of Hitler's paintings was trying to sell them to redo his home HVAC system and apparently the paintings fetched a little more than he anticipated.

I like CNN Wire on my reader because I don't really like to subscribe to the paper, I really hate watching the news because it's on late and it's so depressing. So, CNN Wire is good for me because I can browse the headlines and choose only the articles that interest me at that moment. Am I excited that anything Hitler did is being bought or sold-nope, but it's kind of interesting.

Thing #11

Thing #11-not...



Thing #9 -Creative Commons

In thinking about how CC could "affect" me professionally and or personally, I guess the biggest issue would be not licensing my work and having it used or modified. I'm not at a point where I would be doing much of that YET. It would more probable that I have used pictures that didn't belong to me and as I type this I wonder how often I have actually "borrowed" a photo I found on the web, without thinking of asking anyone. A potential problem would be finding out that a student has presented work where they have done that. Creative Commons is a great resource, I've never heard of it before this course. It looks as though it's being added to constantly, like Wikipedia. I have also never recalled seeing the CC logo anywhere on the web and now I will be scrutinizing carefully to see one. I used to see the name of artists lightly coded across pictures they uploaded ensuring their copyright would print over anything the user tried to use or print.

I think that CC will impact the way kids learn and create projects because we will be able to teach them how to appropriately gather information and this will encourage them to research better, respect a code of ethics, and value the hard work of others. Once they have worked hard on a project, a piece of writing or digital project, and protect it or share it, they'll know how it feels, I think it'll be pretty cool. It will encourage better original work out of them as well.

I guess have shared content and right now I cannot really guarantee that I have done it in the most ethically manner. I've always had good intentions, just sharing, but maybe not always appropriately assigning credit where due. What an eye-opener.

Potential Negatives for CC? I think until we learn how to use the guidelines to the best of our abilities, we may be too cautious and less creative or tend to overlook when guidelines have been violated. I'm sure there are things I have not thought of, but as of right now, I'm not truly certain. That's one to ponder.

I have not really experienced students misusing copyrighted media Internet-wise, only in the classroom when they are trying to incorporate their "interpretation" of certain famous characters into their original artwork. I don't ever let them for a myriad of reasons.

In the future the best thing to do would be to incorporate it into the syllabus from the beginning, maybe as a contract. All colleges are doing that now, I don't know what high schools are doing, some might be too. So they may as well get in best practices now.

These guidelines will impact the way they create because they will become more thoughtful about their actions, more self-motivated to create something from inside themselves instead using what they cannot have permission for and turning in relative clips of junk.

It will affect the media that I use in that I will be extra careful what I do and how I do it. Being a member of the art world I have always been aware of fair use of images and works, but as far as the Internet goes, I'm sure I have and will make mistakes. At least I am aware now.


Animoto Video

Thing #5a

I was checking out Langwitches and found a teacher, Webfooted Booklady, who had her students create projects using Animoto, in her class wiki, she has posted their finished results and asks for comments. The ones I looked at were really good for being so short. Animoto looks incredbily easy to use, you feed your photos and music into it, it takes just minutes and it's-free. I plan to try it this afternoon. What a great way to present information, especially book reports or any short topics.


Thing #6 and Twitter Update/My DIIgo Lack of Smartz

Okay. Not feeling smart today. It's been only two days on Twitter and I've decided that I am not ready for it. I don't really need Twitter I guess or Tweets at the moment and it's not because I've signed up on so many sites lately that involve ID's and PW's or that I've forgotten my login reset info that I had sent (why?) to my Barrow email addresss that shoots straight to Barracuda which filters the site and tells me I'm not allowed to access it. DUH! But I like the blogs now and I'm getting addicted to reading those that do not pertain to the 23. I took "a little time off" from the computer and ended up in front of it reading hours of blogs of strangers. But, since then, today, I ventured outdoors with my camera, shot some photos, rearranged my living room...which is good...right?

Back on the subject. DIIGO. I went on my laptop at home last night and when I logged in to my account, there was nothing there like I have at my desktop at school. I guess I didn't realize that the book marks don't follow you or have I just not figured out how to do that? Is anyone out there? Going to watch Kath & Kim now-I hope everyone has a good weekend!!


I Joined Twitter

I joined twitter last night and it is really a very, very abbreviated Myspace and in real-time. Not much to explore. I think you have to know who or what you are looking for. Another thing I noticed is that people can comment from anywhere because you can link your phone to it, so you can be on your way to the airport, etc. If you plan to use it professionally, you definitely do want to watch your comments. I was very excited to see LeVar Burton on there, I just love Reading Rainbow; however, I believe he's moved on.


Twitter and Education Thing #3 Pt 2

I found this RSS very interesting. I've never heard of twitter until my husband told me about it and showed me his account and how it works. I'm not much one for blogging or tweeting(twitter's name for messages). But I am starting to see the value of the service if I can get over my unease with the whole process. You always want to put the correct message up and it will be seen by lots of people. You have to dive in and conquer the fear. I have a couple suggestions if you want to use twitter as a resource. Here goes-Having a professional user name, a short accurate one-line bio, choosing a twitter picture and designing your twitter profile.

Professional Name: You have two choices- professional or personal. You want people to be able to find you easy by your relationship with them.

One-Line Bio: You only get 160 characters in order to describe yourself or a project you maybe working on. Put some thought into this portion of the set-up. Use 2 to 3 word phrases until you use up your 160 characters.

Twitter Picture: You need to post a picture that portrays you as both professional and personable-exactly what your tweets should be doing for you.

Designing a Profile: Since there is little room to be creative in your bio, you can make the profile an extension of you as well. We don't want to use any of the templates supplied by twitter. Instead you can upload a background that can be an extension of your company or career that you couldn't fit in your bio.

Whether you use these or not you should check out twitter. It has lots of professionals and is very different from other social media sites like Facebook and Myspace.

I'm starting to come around with the idea (don' tell my husband) but haven't committed. I do believe that if used as a resource we could really gain a lot of knowledge from around the world. This seems to almost go hand in hand with Web 2.0. Let me know your thoughts.


Thing #2

Part 1
I think blogs are a good avenue for laying out short opinions and ideas, or rants if you will. I enjoy that blogs are instant, interactive and ever-evolving. Commenting and contributing to one anothers blogs give us instant insight into people's ideas that interest us and more possibilities for further discussion. I know I have had my opinions changed on certain ideas by reading other people's points of view and reflecting.

Blogging facilitates learning in many ways. It provides new avenues of learning in a more interesting way, it assists with reading and writing skills as well as critical thinking. With students, the interaction between classmates and respect for each other's writing will prove meaningful and more powerful as they become better contributors with more thoughtful things to say.

I am a mere art teacher, but I would love to one day be able to share more art and information with my interested kids via blogging. I think its a little farther off for me, especially at the elementary level, but I am hopeful about collaborating with our computer lab person and trying some new things out. Unfortunately all their computer time now is for skills reinforcement and remediation, blogging is not high on the list of what they need to to know for CRCT.


Tried writeboard

I think this is how to get there http://123.writeboard.com/1b3266c921dd212d0, I'll keep working on it.....the password is barrow


Thing #1-B

2.0 will evolve teaching in so many ways. Being able to connect live with people around the world in real-time in the classroom is a pretty amazing concept. I haven't been able to try it yet and I'm very excited about it. Being in field of art, it would be so much fun to have students able to directly engage in conversations with museum curators, working artists, live demonstrations of serious art being created. That alone would engage students much more than photos in textbooks and outdated library books. I want it because it's the way the world is moving, if we cannot accept change and grow with it and use it, what good are we to the kids we are teaching?

In that article, where all the kids have constant access to technology and can work together in the ways mentioned, they remained focused and involved on their projects, they cared about making it better and working harder and working together. I think it's still a ways off for us, most people in our county don't have enough personal access to computers in the schools or at home, but I don't think it's unreasonable in the future. I think we are quickly outgrowing the regular classroom setting and I like it.

I really loved the videos, I've shared them with several people already, thank you!!!


Thing #1-A

I teach at AES as the Art Teacher, K-5. I've been here since 2005 and only teaching altogether since 2003. I decided to take part in this because I'm always interested in learning new things and I hope to have some fun and learn new ways to use this information in the classroom as well as with my colleagues.