
Open Floorplans Are Not Fun For Me

Over the years I've tried so many ways to decorate my house, I've gone with trying to define rooms by using a different color room to room, that was bad...more recently we have made the dining area and foyer all one color.

I hate that when I am on the sofa I can see the kitchen, the wall of the living room, the dining room, the foyer, and part of the hallway. How can I make my eyes happy? And unless its all clean all the time there are lots of problem areas. Here's what I was looking at...

Also we really never entertain company so we invested in a huge sofa that wraps around the living area so we can do what we do best-watch movies and be couch potatoes, but now can we ever rearrange? Not to mention the cloth of said sofa is not doggy-proof. The Jack Russell has taken trying to eat the sofa and her toenails have snagged the material badly. Rethinking the purchase....

I love the fact that we have these vaulted ceilings, but trying to hang pictures is a total drag there's so much wall and all the pictures I have don't go together or make any sense together size-wise or color scheme-wise or anything, plus getting back to that huge sofa there not a sofa picture big enough to hang behind that big daddy.