
So, Here We Are...

This is sort of a new beginning for me. I mean RIGHT NOW. Considering that I am the only one who knows about this little place and only one who comes here, I felt it safe to vent, or begin my journey of hopefulness-whichever and whatever that means for me.

This year, as my youngest daughter and I had ashes imposed on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, I prayed on my knees very, very hard. I prayed for a lot of things. I prayed with my eyes squeezed tight and I prayed until I had tears coming out. I really meant everything and this year all of my prayers flowed, I didn't have to think of anything, I didn't sit there on my knees with any blank thoughts. There has been a lot for me to pray about this year and I let it all out. I even opened one eye and looked around to make sure I wasn't the only one still on my knees, I looked over at Ronnie and wondered if she thought I was nuts, but I still had a little more to go.

That is how I knew that this year I was going to be successful at my Lenten promises. I felt so good about it, I really couldn't wait to start. I didn't want to tell anyone about it either. Oddly, at church that night, the homily was about not telling anyone how you serve the Lord because he already knows it.

I don't feel like I will be successful at observing Lent if I tell anybody what I gave up for 40 days, this year 46 days actually. I am now entering the 3rd week of Lent and it has been great, cleansing and free!! I want to do more good things for my body now. I'd like to quit eating meat for a while too.

We have agreed also to run two 5K's soon, I'm excited about this. I will have to start running soon to get ready - they are approaching fast. We have been walking at the Dog Park,but that's just not going to be enough. I need to get some shoes, an outfit, etc. But for now, I just need to get my ass outside.

I'm hoping to start tracking some progress here. Or...gulp...lack of progress, but I don't want to think about that right now.

Went went out this past weekend with our friend whose in from Spain, it was a break from Lent, but we both agreed that we would add an extra 10 days to Lent for it. The next time we have a drink or any sugar, a soda, or anything fried it will actually be May 15th. By then I might have given up the taste for alcohol, it's been so nice having the weight come off, I really don't want to mess that up.