
Sister Saturday

After a very short workday, a somewhat crappy encounter with a good work friend and a wonderful lunch with my main squeeze and the squirt, I ventured off to spend the rest of the afternoon with my sis. It's a rare thing these days and time we both treasure. It's never boring and we never run out of things to do. There's always trouble to get into, things to laugh about or stories to remember and tell one hundred times. It was out with the old and in with Debi!! We were adding some of Debi's things to the house to make it seem more like a home she shared with Joey instead of the house that used to belong to his mother. If you ask me, her touches are every where...

We finished going through boxes and went wandering around the property for a while as the sun started to set, tonight was going to be spring forward though!! Summer is on the way! We will soon be looking forward to days by her pool and cool drinks! Can't wait! nine more weeks of school left...