

Dinner last night was pintos, brown rice and romaine with fresh jalapenos. 424 Calories, 16.2 protein, 2.5 fat I won't be tracking my intake all the time. This is one of my favorite meals, I could eat it day and night. My dog probably wishes I wouldn't, I was scaring her to death farting all night in bed while reading my Kindle. Between that and the thunderstorm, I have no idea how either pup got any rest last night, ha ha!!!


So, Here We Are...

This is sort of a new beginning for me. I mean RIGHT NOW. Considering that I am the only one who knows about this little place and only one who comes here, I felt it safe to vent, or begin my journey of hopefulness-whichever and whatever that means for me.

This year, as my youngest daughter and I had ashes imposed on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday, I prayed on my knees very, very hard. I prayed for a lot of things. I prayed with my eyes squeezed tight and I prayed until I had tears coming out. I really meant everything and this year all of my prayers flowed, I didn't have to think of anything, I didn't sit there on my knees with any blank thoughts. There has been a lot for me to pray about this year and I let it all out. I even opened one eye and looked around to make sure I wasn't the only one still on my knees, I looked over at Ronnie and wondered if she thought I was nuts, but I still had a little more to go.

That is how I knew that this year I was going to be successful at my Lenten promises. I felt so good about it, I really couldn't wait to start. I didn't want to tell anyone about it either. Oddly, at church that night, the homily was about not telling anyone how you serve the Lord because he already knows it.

I don't feel like I will be successful at observing Lent if I tell anybody what I gave up for 40 days, this year 46 days actually. I am now entering the 3rd week of Lent and it has been great, cleansing and free!! I want to do more good things for my body now. I'd like to quit eating meat for a while too.

We have agreed also to run two 5K's soon, I'm excited about this. I will have to start running soon to get ready - they are approaching fast. We have been walking at the Dog Park,but that's just not going to be enough. I need to get some shoes, an outfit, etc. But for now, I just need to get my ass outside.

I'm hoping to start tracking some progress here. Or...gulp...lack of progress, but I don't want to think about that right now.

Went went out this past weekend with our friend whose in from Spain, it was a break from Lent, but we both agreed that we would add an extra 10 days to Lent for it. The next time we have a drink or any sugar, a soda, or anything fried it will actually be May 15th. By then I might have given up the taste for alcohol, it's been so nice having the weight come off, I really don't want to mess that up.

Sister Saturday

After a very short workday, a somewhat crappy encounter with a good work friend and a wonderful lunch with my main squeeze and the squirt, I ventured off to spend the rest of the afternoon with my sis. It's a rare thing these days and time we both treasure. It's never boring and we never run out of things to do. There's always trouble to get into, things to laugh about or stories to remember and tell one hundred times. It was out with the old and in with Debi!! We were adding some of Debi's things to the house to make it seem more like a home she shared with Joey instead of the house that used to belong to his mother. If you ask me, her touches are every where...

We finished going through boxes and went wandering around the property for a while as the sun started to set, tonight was going to be spring forward though!! Summer is on the way! We will soon be looking forward to days by her pool and cool drinks! Can't wait! nine more weeks of school left...