
Open Floorplans Are Not Fun For Me

Over the years I've tried so many ways to decorate my house, I've gone with trying to define rooms by using a different color room to room, that was bad...more recently we have made the dining area and foyer all one color.

I hate that when I am on the sofa I can see the kitchen, the wall of the living room, the dining room, the foyer, and part of the hallway. How can I make my eyes happy? And unless its all clean all the time there are lots of problem areas. Here's what I was looking at...

Also we really never entertain company so we invested in a huge sofa that wraps around the living area so we can do what we do best-watch movies and be couch potatoes, but now can we ever rearrange? Not to mention the cloth of said sofa is not doggy-proof. The Jack Russell has taken trying to eat the sofa and her toenails have snagged the material badly. Rethinking the purchase....

I love the fact that we have these vaulted ceilings, but trying to hang pictures is a total drag there's so much wall and all the pictures I have don't go together or make any sense together size-wise or color scheme-wise or anything, plus getting back to that huge sofa there not a sofa picture big enough to hang behind that big daddy.


Just a small sidenote....

Bradley Cooper is HOT!!!

No more things

So I failed out of 23 Things right around voice threading. I still liked reading all the blogs I found when I was busy surfing around for stuff to use for the class. I loved the photos and interesting snippets of conversations posted. Just wondering if I have what it takes to create a pretty and amusing little corner of the world. For now I'll just keep my little blog right here and add stuff to it as I go along. Maybe it'll just be enough to please me.

We are in the middle of redoing our master bath and bedroom. We aren't taking the rooms apart. In the bath we will be removing the flooring and counters other than that it is mostly cosmetic in both rooms. I've chosen a pretty Wedgwood blue for the bathroom, brushed nickel for the metal works, dark wood, very stark white for trim, and a neutral ceramic for the tiles. Its coming along slowly and I'm looking forward to months of it being torn apart as we come up with the funds to do it.

I'm hoping the cabinets and floors will be done in summer so I don't have to share a bathroom with the girls for any length of time.