
Thing #1-B

2.0 will evolve teaching in so many ways. Being able to connect live with people around the world in real-time in the classroom is a pretty amazing concept. I haven't been able to try it yet and I'm very excited about it. Being in field of art, it would be so much fun to have students able to directly engage in conversations with museum curators, working artists, live demonstrations of serious art being created. That alone would engage students much more than photos in textbooks and outdated library books. I want it because it's the way the world is moving, if we cannot accept change and grow with it and use it, what good are we to the kids we are teaching?

In that article, where all the kids have constant access to technology and can work together in the ways mentioned, they remained focused and involved on their projects, they cared about making it better and working harder and working together. I think it's still a ways off for us, most people in our county don't have enough personal access to computers in the schools or at home, but I don't think it's unreasonable in the future. I think we are quickly outgrowing the regular classroom setting and I like it.

I really loved the videos, I've shared them with several people already, thank you!!!